Feb. 6 – Clinic Day in Latacunga

Today was the result of a well oiled machine. Hands Across The World has been working with the Rotarians for many years and this year they prescreened the patients for the team. There were just over 80 patients to see and most of them will receive operations. The pace is much slower and there isn’t the chaos there was in Coca. The nurses set up three Operating Rooms in just a few hours with the supplies trucked from Coca and some supplies and equipment left from last year. The operating rooms are truly sterile, unlike Coca. A new group of fresh doctors have arrived and it’s a reunion for many of the team members.

Latacunga exudes their Spanish history and many of the Rotarians are of European descent. It feels more up-to-date and not so impoverished. There are several repeat patients including Christian, who has been coming since he was five years old; and Margo, who has had six surgical procedures (year after year). Christian’s family all came to greet the doctors – but they were all dressed in black.  Christian’s father recently passed away and Christian has opted out of surgery this year.

It was a easy day for the team and Sunday can be used as a day of rest after all!

Fresh new doctors screening hand surgery patient

More fresh doctors screen a burn patient

Patients waiting to hear when their surgery will be scheduled

Rick puts together a schedule while Kathy requests her surgical patients